Apocalypse book (Preview this book)
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New Book

"The People Of The Apocalypse"

by Rev. Larry Wolfe - Evangelist

Bible messages describing the "Time of the End" circumstances and the people who are directly involved in the unfolding of the last days.

The Lord's primary focal points of the End Times are His Church, His holy people the Jews, and His holy city Jerusalem. He will rapture His Church and send His prophets, along with the 144 thousand, to the Jews in order to bring to pass their glorious redemption. Learn how the Lord is unfolding His time of the End plan by finding answers to key prophetic questions in "The People of the Apocalypse".

Table of Contents:

The Introductory Messages

  1. The Coming Events
  2. The Most Prophesied Event in Scripture
  3. The Nature of the Second Coming of Christ
  4. The Master's Merging Mentality
  5. The Covenants in the Book of Daniel
  6. The Church in Philadelphia (Rev. 3:10)
  7. The Revelation's Chronological Structure
The People of the Apocalypse
  1. The Lamb of God
  2. The Twenty-Four Elders
  3. The Four Beasts
  4. The Angels
  5. The Prophet Elijah
  6. The Martyrs
  7. The Earth Dwellers
  8. The 144 Thousand
    1. Their Ministry Overview
    2. Their Source: The Twelve Tribes of Israel
    3. Their Supernatural Calling
    4. The Passing of The Torch-Part I
    5. The Passing of The Torch-Part II
    6. The Passing of The Torch-Part III
    7. The Servants of Our God
      1. As Priests
      2. As Warriors
      3. As Saviors
  1. The Great Multitude in Heaven
  2. The Saints
  3. The Two Witnesses
  4. The Woman
  5. The Remnant of Her Seed
  6. The Antichrist & The False Prophet
  7. The Israelites Saved
  8. The Gentiles Saved
  9. The Ten Kings
  10. The Purpose of God
  11. The Author's Background Information

If you would like to preview / purchase "The People of the Apocalypse" in book form or as an E-Book (PDF file),
please visit our storefront: Bible

Rev. Larry Wolfe--Evangelist
3015 Pelzer Hwy
Easley, SC 29642

Your prayer support is greatly appreciated and we ask you to pray that the Lord would continue to use this ministry for His honor and glory. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.


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